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Don’t wait. Get high quality, low cost dental right now.

Call to book your appointment on (03) 8470 1111.

Affordable private dental services are now available to new or existing clients at our East Reservoir health centre.

Submit an enquiry

Complete the booking form below and someone will call you back to schedule a suitable time.


Enquire about low cost dental today

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Our Services

Our expert dentists provide a range of preventative and general dental care including: check-ups, x-rays, teeth cleaning, fillings, extractions, crowns and dentures.

  • Check-ups: from $56
  • X-Rays from: $39 each
  • Teeth cleaning: from $95
  • Fillings: from $111 (range from $111 to $258)
  • Extractions: from $140 (range from $140 to $349)
  • Crowns: from $1200

If you would like more information you can read about our affordable private dental service, call us on (03) 8470 1111 or fill in the online enquiry form above and someone will get back to you shortly.


Private dental services are available:

8.30am – 4.30pm:  Monday, Tuesday and Friday at our East Reservoir health centre.


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