We offer telehealth appointments so you can access high quality healthcare remotely.
Telehealth is where we use phone or video calls through a computer or smart phone to hold your healthcare appointment. It means you do not need to come into our health centres to see a clinician. We use HealthDirect, a secure system, to hold our Telehealth appointments.
Attending a telehealth appointment is an easy process. You do not need download any apps. You simply access your appointment by clicking on the appropriate link below.
We still see clients for in-person appointments if it is your first time visiting us, and for certain treatments or check-ups. If you need further treatment after a telehealth appointment that requires an in-person appointment, this will be arranged with you.
How to use Telehealth
When you book your appointment, our team member will confirm the date, time and link you need to use.
Please join your appointment via the appropriate link below a few minutes before your booking time.
- For Medical Clinic appointments – Join your Telehealth appointment here.
- For Oral Health appointments– Join your Telehealth appointment here.
- For Allied Health appointments (Counselling, Dietetics, Diabetes Education, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Speech Pathology) – Join your Telehealth appointment here.
Once you are in the waiting room, click on the ‘Start a video call’ button to begin your appointment.
You will be asked to consent to using the Healthdirect system and then asked to provide your name and mobile number as confirmation. Our usual privacy standards apply to Telehealth consultations. We will not share your information without your consent. The consultation will not be recorded or photographed. Your clinician will check at the start of the call that you understand this.
If you have any concerns, you do not have to participate in the Telehealth appointment and you can stop the appointment at any time.
Please ask your clinician any questions you have during the appointment.
Preparing for your telehealth appointment
For these appointments we ask that:
- You have access to reliable internet
- You have access to a private space
- Your device is charged or plugged in for the duration of your consultation.